Technology Wearables. For Cinema, Workouts, and Even a Dog Walk.

From humans to pets, we've tackled wearables by applying human factors, usability, and prototyping expertise. We uncover solutions that adhere to mechanical needs, while dealing with societal, structural, cleaning, and packaging challenges.

Wearables 1 - Celebrating Active Lifestyles and Body Monitoring

BodyMedia was a pioneer in the wearable industry who brought improvement to health, wellness and fitness. We expanded BodyMedia’s product offering with a design targeting their affluent workout demographic.

*in conjunction with LUNAR Design


Wearables 2 - Digital Cinematic Lenses

Long before VR, we helped Dolby design 3D glasses exclusively for their prototype theater.

*in conjunction with Argyle Design

Wearables 3 - Petronix